
Archive for the ‘swag’ Category

Meagan (my boyfriend’s twin sister and one of my besties) and I traveled from Maine to Boston yesterday for the 2012 Heathy Living Summit! We’ve both been reading health blogs for a couple of years, and now that we’ve started our own blogs we though this would be a great trip to learn more about blogging and do some much needed networking!

We made a last minute decision to drive down, and got there just in time for a mini-mingle trip to a nearby bakery. After we raced out of the car, we met up with a group of girls in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge and headed out to Flour. Whoever thought of going here is a genius! Can you think of a better way for girls to bond than over chocolate?!

These dudes in front were not part of our group.

There were a lot of delicious treats to choose from- I went with the chocolate chip hazelnut cookie. It’s not pictured because I INHALED it.

Cupcakes? Brownies? Cookies? What do I piiiiiickkk?!

After we got back to the hotel it was registration time! Meagan and I checked into our room, had our bags (yes, multiple bags, because we each brought four pairs of shoes and too many clothes) brought up to our room by the very attractive concierge, and then booked it back to the lobby for our swag bags!

Meagan’s in the background trying on her sneakers!

Pictured above is the awesome fivebamboo HLS12 t-shirt. It’s super soft. Also, to the right is my sweet new pair of Reebok Realflex Fusion TRs. Inside the swag bag, there’s more stuff than I can list. Seriously- beyond the food samples, snacks, and coupons, there’s a Driscoll’s Berry strainer, a headband, and a vanilla yogurt flavored chapstick?

Way cooler than those Dr. Pepper lipsmackers I used to buy when I was like 12.

We totally geeked out and tried on all our swag, then took ridiculous pictures, like this:

“I am Hans. Und I am Franz. Und ve just vant to pump…YOU UP!”

We had a couple hours to kill before the Friday evening cocktail party, so we trekked over to the nearest Whole Foods and went to town on the salad bar.

The HLS cocktail party was a little awkward at first, especially because I’m a newbie blogger. I felt like a creeper when I realized how many faces I recognize without actually KNOWING that person in real life, but it got easier and easier to introduce myself as the night went on. I even jumped in a photo booth with some ladies!

That’s me, front and center, looking beautiful with my mustache and new nose.

The highlight of the evening was meeting my favorite blogger, Tina, from Carrots n Cake! Check out Meagan’s blog post of HLS Day 1 to see a photo with us and Tina!

Stay tuned for Day 2’s post! I tried crossfit, had some amazing food, and learned a lot of new tips!

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